I have been waiting for YOU!
It is by My Love for You that you are visiting Me via this site. I am omnipresent, which means that I am everywhere ~ always. I am with You now!
I so desire for You to come to know Me. I Am REAL!!! I watched You grow in your Mother's womb. I knew You before "WE" created the world and assigned your very own Guardian Angel to bring You safely home to Heaven when you've completed your "Mission". Of course, You always have free will.
Yes, I have a Mission for You!
Are You surprised that I am speaking to You now
and your heart is acknowledging My Presence and My Peace?
It is true ~
I am speaking to You with a very simple message:
Together we can overcome the demons, the world and personal fears.
Do not be afraid.
Let Me take your hand and walk with Me.
Make the sign of the Cross "Oh God, come to my assistance; Oh Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be..." On the big beads, pray "My Jesus Mercy", followed by the Glory Be... (The big beads are in honor of Jesus' sense of TOUCH, HEARING, SIGHT, SMELL and TASTE) Pray on the six beads: “Arise, O Lord! and let Thy enemies be scattered, and let them that hate Thee flee from before Thy Face.” Say on the Cross: “God, our Protector, look on us and look on the Face of Thy Christ.”